Social media is a critical part of everyone’s life. And by that, wedon’tmean just businesses for this specific context but everyonewhohasaccess to the internet. It is a trend growing faster than ever…eventhe internet itself. And the latter managed to reach one ineverysixpeople in its first decade. Social media beat that number toreachone in every five people. And that happened in just nine years. Impressive isn’t it? So, when there is so much opportunity, how do you as a businesstake advantage of it? That’s what this book is all about. In10easy-to-read chapters, we will take you through the process of creatingasocial media presence and using it to build your brand awareness, brand value, reach as many people as possible, build a loyal customer base and realize your ultimate dreamof selling your products or services to these individuals.
Social media is a very effective way to reach the general publicandturn them into paying customers. People the world over spendaninordinate time on their devices and a big chunk of that is spent scrolling through social media feeds. If you are a business, thereisnoasset as resourceful and affordable as social media to understandconsumer habits and buying patterns. These platforms are a boon for brands that want to disseminateinformation about their products and services. And if youusetheright mechanism, you might be able to hit a goldmine of buyers. Butlike everything else, you need to have a strategy and thereareafewways to do that right.