With the growth of the internet and technology, videos have increasingly become a more powerful tool in getting more leads and growing one’s business. The commercialization of video editing tools and ease of sharing videos via video sharing sites such as YouTube has made the growth of the video industry explode rapidly. Currently, it doesn’t matter if you are a small time marketer or a corporate giant, you stand lots of gain through leveraging on videos to grow your business. This e-book aims to uncover the strategies you can tap into to start making money through videos immediately. The trends of internet marketing have always been evolving. Back then, it was article marketing. Then came the paid advertising era of PPC and PPV. Today, we have Video Marketing. What is video marketing? Video marketing is the art of using videos to market and grow your business. This could be in the form of using videos for getting leads, building traffic or selling a video product. Video marketing is great because it has the ability to grow virally. Viral marketing as in it spreads as fast and as widely as a biological virus, but in the marketing sense. This can help you reach a wide audience in a short amount of time and at a low cost. People love watching videos, so much more because you can incorporate visual and audio elements which can excite emotions and make content interesting. E-books are so yesterday and have a hard time keeping up with videos which have been getting better and better.
One of the most useful sites out there is YouTube – The world’s largest video sharing site. We shall look into the power of YouTube in the next section.