We may only control our own feelings and our own actions-as much as we might wish that wasn't so. Trying to find a partner before recognizing who you are and what you wish is destined to lead to confusion and grief. Additionally, you have to be your own best friend and your own defender, as your mate might not inevitably do this for you. If you don't keep your needs in view and make your feelings known in a relationship, you might discover that your mate continually neglects to live up to your criteria or treads on your emotions and your ego. What ought to be a healthy, nurturing bond between 2 individuals may turn into misery for you both. So how do you get to a place where you understand what you require, are emotionally sound, and ready to be in the relationship of your dreams? That procedure starts with recognizing a little of how the human brain works, as well as taking a realistic look at your emotional makeup-in terms of how your past times have shaped who you are and what you require from a mate. For centuries, mankind has achieved things once thought inconceivable, like scaling Everest, walking on the Moon, or making the supercomputer. Certainly, if humans can invent penicillin and nanotechnology, or can overcome great odds, then we all ought to be able to do something as innate as it is to breathe-to discover a loving, lasting partner. Correct?
The reason why humans were able to do what they did is because they never quit: they never quit trusting in their abilities or told themselves that what they needed to achieve was impossible. If you’re somebody who repeats to yourself that you’ll never be able to - 10 - come across somebody who will love you, or if you’re in a relationship today that makes you distressed, that you ought to stay with this individual as you’ll never be able to come across and attract a better mate who may truly satisfy you, you’re setting yourself up for failureor instead, to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.